A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$7.49 USD or more

Become professional Ski Jumper !

Starting in Junior Cup, you will cllimb the ladder to become next Wolrd Cup winner !
Compete on 34 real world based ski jumping hills located all around the world.
Take part in famous tournements like 4 Hills, Raw Sky, Winter Olympics, World Cup, Summer Grand Prix or Ski Flying.
Earn money and buy your dream car or dream house, hire coach.
Keep track of your morale. Better you do in competitions, your morale will grow higher.
Choose on of 4 Ski Jumping styles, including old school one !
Be the best in the world and try to beat online world records!


Update 1.12

- Added cup standings (your current season will be restarted for this change to take place)

- Fixed issue with player taking horizontal position after take off

Update 1.11

- Fixed missing flag pole in Vikersund

- Changed training cost from dollars to energy

- Fixed bug where players finnishing in top 6 position did not get prmoted to higher division

- Fixed bug where players who finnished season below 6th position been relegated down from confederete cup back to junior cup

Update 1.10

- Bug fixes

- Landing long jumps over HS should be much easier now

- CPU players rebalanced slightly

- Player shadow made darker

- Added Top 5 table before jump

- Added distance To Beat before Jump

- Changed record line from green to blue

- Green line now showing distance needed to beat

- Added cinematic black bars for trophy celebration animation

- Changed requirements for promotion from top 3 to top 6 position

- Added warning message when changing player name

- Style notes now will be reduced if player won't reach hill's K-Point

- Updated landing animations

- Player size slightly incireased

- Added sponsorship offers

- Added Player Stats and skill points in Training Menu

- Added Training possibility for skill points

- Added Mouse Sensitivity Setting

- Added option to disable weather effects

- Added Career mode tutorial

- Fixed bug when anthem and trophy animation was no playing for players with     Russian and Finnish nationality 

Update 1.05

- Slightly increased difficulty

- Reduced Money Rewards in World Cup

- Mouse cursor will no be locked inside game window while jumping

- Added Animation and National Anthem playing after winning trophy

- Bug Fixes

Update 1.04.1

- Bug Fixes

Update 1.04

- Reduced Experience gained per competition

- Morale now will react much slower

- Increased money rewards x2

- Bug fixes

Update 1.032

- Bug Fixes

Update 1.03

- Added Online World Hill Records

- Lighting Updated

- Post Processing Effects Updated

- Fixede Bug in career mode where player should be jumping in Engelberg

 and was jumping in Nizhny Tagil instead

- Raw Sky Tournement difficulty increasede

- New Tournement Starting banner now should show properly at start of new  tournement

- Adjusted Aproaching to Land Animation 

- Controls Scheme Changed (See How To Play Tab in Settings Menu)

- Fixed Second Bug that was cousing player to land automatically after take off

Update 1.02

- Reduced Jumping Difficulty

- Reduced CPU players Difficulty Level

- Improved Memory Usage

- Fixed game save bug after start of new season

- Fixed bug where player would land automatically just after take off

Update  1.01

- Added more variety of world cup calendars

- Added Reset Season Button in career menu for players who got stuck in the middle         of season

- Calendar view now scrolling back to top at the start of new season

- Fixed bug where players were unable to continue career in confederete cup

- Small Changes to Camera Behaviour

- Planica Hill Updated

Update 1.00

- Slightly Decreased Jump and Land timing window

-World Cup added in career mode

-4th Tournement added in career mode

-Raw Sky Tournement added in career mode

-Improved Performance in Vikersund

-Player level now working

-Player can now earn and spend money

-Added working morale system

-Shops now working with all bonuses

-Added career history

-Added equipment usage

-Free Play hills now need to be unlocked with money

Update 0.99

- Fixed bug when cursor was not showing after finnished jump.

- Performance Improvments

- Quicker transitions between jumps

- Increased time window for take off and landing.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Tags2D, ski-jumping


Buy Now$7.49 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.49 USD. You will get access to the following files:

K-Point Ski Jumping 1.12 - Setup.exe 120 MB

Development log


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@Gitarion  You still alive? If yes, is there a possibility to activate this game on steam (I bought in on itch.io)

Btw. I recently experienced a problem with my cup standings where they would just be set to zero midseason after starting the game. Hope there is a way to fix it.

czemu nikt nie odpisuje

kiedy free to play????

Could you maybe add explanations to the skills, like what exactly am I investing on. That'd be great!

I'm really enjoying these last patches. Shows you really put your heart into this!

prosze gitarion odpisz jutro

a jest demo 

nie uważacie ze na Summer Cup jest trochę za ciezko to jest początek A ledwo idzie wygrac strasznie się męczę z tym bo to nie do końca chodzi o to zeby to było takie ciężkie troszke to trzeba ulatwic


Hello, do you have an option to add the game to my steam account when I bought it here ?

czemu tu nikt nie odpisuje

(3 edits)

przepraszam, że tak mówię, ale gra jest ok tylko nie dopracowana ... na Summer cupie 3 miejsce A na Winter 6 pisało, że zakwalikoealoem sie do federacji Puchar A co sezon odpala mi juniora

proszę o odpowiedź... co mam zrobić żeby awansować na nowe turnieje mam 10lvl A nadal jestem w junior Cup'ie

trzeba ukonczyć sezon na 6 miejscu lub wyżej

Deleted 5 years ago
(2 edits)

widzę że innym odpowiadasz.. szkoda że na moje odpowiedzi się nie doczekam  na mojej poczcie "pełen profesjonalizm poza grą"... Nic wielkiego tak czy nie... i człowiek by przynajmniej czuł że się szanuje dobrych klientów szczególnie że wszystko było związane z tematem tej gry.

Hej. Ostatnio bardzo mam dużo na głowie, praca plus premiera gty na steam i nie miałem jeszcze okazji sprawdzić poczty. Jutro postaram sie sprawdzić i odpisać. Pozdrawiam :)

(1 edit)

Ja rozumiem że można być zabieganym człowiekiem ale szanujmy się kolejnych pare dni minęło i wciąż brak odpowiedzi.. Czy ty mnie może zablokowałeś na poczcie? a jeżeli tak to co było powodem takiej decyzji?..

Totalny brak szacunku do klientów... Profesjonaliści znajdują czas na wszystko.

Ale wbilem na Summer Cup 1 miejsce i nie ma


A jest możliwość zakupu za PLN?

pobierze ci z konta równowartość tej ceny z w złotówkach więc...

Czy gra działa pod windows 7?

Tak, wymaga 64bitowego systemu

Dodaj reklamy do gry, ale za darmo.

Dodajcie do gry reklamy, ale żeby gra była za darmo.    

Kiedy będzie dostępna gra za darmo bo nie chce kupowac

30 zł żałujesz?

nie ale wolę żeby gra była za free

I do have the newest version(1.04.1) and i still have a bug that was existing in the previous versions. Sometimes after the first round the hill information shows up, I click on continue and it ends the competition. Don't really know how or why this happens...Hope you can fix it soon :)

Keep up the great work and happy new year

You need to be in top 50 position to qualify to second round, and top 30 to qualify to third round. 

No, I tried not making the 2nd round on purpose and I am just being redirected to the career menu, as its supposed to be. When the bug occurs I for example was placed 16th.

Can you recreate this bug ? And can you tell step by step what to do to mae it happen ?

Sadly no I cannot. If I'm gonna play tomorrow and the bug occurs I can maybe try to film it or something. I have no idea why it happens or when, it always surprises me.

I filmed it and uploaded it on yt. It's the newest version.

wczoraj kupilem ta gre na email mojej mamy i do dzisaj nic nie doszlo na jej email  moge wiedziec kiedy dojdzie bardzo prosze

Jaki email został użyty do transakcji ?


Niestety ale nie widze transakcji dokonanej tym adresem. Czy na pewno ten email został użyty ?

Proszę kliknąć jeszcze raz w opcje Buy Now, i na dole pojawi się opcja "i have already paid for this", następnie podać email użyty do zakupu. Otrzymasz link z dostępem do gry. Pozdrawiam

I am waiting for Almaty HS140

When free version will be released??

(3 edits)

I really would like to buy this game but it seems there is no possibility at all . After I gave all my personal data the system had given me the information that the billing address is not being given correctly.. I can assure that my address agrees with the current one which has been here given. Please  fix it if you really want to earn money. I'd like to buy it any minute looks great so far!

Hi, sorry to hear that. It must be an issue with Itch.io payment thing. You can do direct transfer to my paypal and i will send you download key.


(1 edit)

With pleasure . Would you mind if i asked you about the link to your paypal?  So i can transfer the required money in order to enjoy your really good-looking game ! 

I had sent a private message to your mailbox. Check it out :)

I have found your email address on your FB game's site

One good thing I miss about the game is to choose competition without going from junior to the world cup.
Otherwise the game is great to play

i can't download this game :/

There is clearly a lot of quality work here.
My main issue is it's really hard to understand how to do successful jumps, I managed 112m after many many tries and having to experiment. It would be nice if it had a tutorial, like a video showing mouse movement and the player character reacting, I really wanna get into this game.
Congrats on the sheer quality :)

Thank you for feedback !

Im glad you enjoying it. You can search this game on youtube and see how to jump if that helps for now until i implement in game tutorial.

i cant download the game :(